A Bakony is kiváló bringás térség, gyönyörű hűs erdeiben könnyű és nehezebb túrákon is megmérettethetitek magatok. Az útvonalat igény szerint alakítjuk. A részletekről érdeklődj!
Impozáns látvány a Kőröshegyi Völgyhíd, amit e túra során majdnem minden lehetséges nézőpontból megtekintünk: A Balcsi felől mindkét oldalról, délről is két oldalról, valamint egy várból és alulról is. A jobbnál jobb völgyhidas kilátásokat erdőkön-mezőkön kötjük össze, és még egy rejtett forrás is útba esik. A túra végén, ahogy mindig, irány a Helka!
A taste of the treasures of the southern shore of Lake Balaton, which remain hidden from most visitors. Dense forests, fields, spring, lookouts. This hike is of medium length but very fast because the difference in level is small and almost half of the distance is asphalted.
We start from the Helka beergarden and brewery in Balatonföldvár and the first lookout point is with a panorama of Tihany. Later, we ride up and down a closed asphalt forest road and cross the Jaba stream for the first time at Jabapuszta. We will soon return to the shore of Lake Balaton, quenching our thirst with fresh spring water, and finally looking at Tihany again, but now from a slightly different perspective: from Kő Hill in Zamárdi. From here we return to Helka on the Roman road, where the first beer awaits us at half price.
Shortly after our departure, we pass by the built environment at Petneházy meadow, and we climb up to Pál Csergezán lookout tower to 559 meters. It offers a view of the Buda Hills and the Zsámbék basin. The experience is crowned by a longer roll, we drive in front of Ökörapáti and we arrive at the mammoth pines in Budakeszi. From here we head backward, but the forest will show new beauties on the way back.
Mammoth pines and the peak of Budapest – the most asphalted and easiest tour. Shortly after the start, after a very steep ascent, we are really taking advantage of the e-bike. Our journey is mostly on asphalt: first, we admire the mammoth pines, then through Csillebérc and Normafa we reach the Elisabeth Lookout Tower on János Hill.
The south shore is just beach, lángos, and hake?! Well no! The hills of Somogy await excitement and fantastic trails. Follow the brinanatura now on our ancestors’ trail through forests, fields, and meadows, and you will have an unexpected experience at Lake Balaton!
We will meet in Balatonföldvár at the Helka Sörkert and head to Zamárdi, where we will have a beautiful panorama of Tihany on Kő Hill. From here we cycle to the eastern end of the Kőröshegy viaduct: Lake Balaton and the valley bridge. We arrive in Bálványos with an enjoyable rolling, from where we reach the remains of Fehérkő Castle via Pusztaszemes: again Lake Balaton and the valley bridge, but from a different point of view. Starting backward, we “climb up” to the highest point of Somogy county and roll down to Szólád among the carved statues of our ancestors. Passing through the wine cellars carved into a loess wall, we reach the western end of the viaduct. We return to the Helka Sörkert in Balatonfördvár, where the first beer awaits us at half price.
A real introductory tour experience. This is an easy trip to the Nagy-Kopasz, during which everyone can easily get to know the ins and outs of e-mtbs and get a taste of the forest glides and ascents. Joy is guaranteed!
An entry experience into the world of bringanatura at the southern shores of Lake Balaton. Even this short tour takes you away from the shore and shows you places that don’t even come to mind when you think about Lake Balaton! A five-star experience and a half-price local Helka beer are guaranteed.
Az erdei kerékpározás teljes nyugalmát élheted át gondtalanul ezen a túrán. Emelkedők és hosszú lejtők várnak pazar panorámákkal végig aszfalton. Ha csak ismerkednél az ebájkokkal, vagy a sár miatt nem lehet terepezni, de már nagyon bringáznál, ne habozz, jelentkezz!