The hills of Somogy are great not only because you can see Lake Balaton and the mountainous northern shore, but it is also much more than that. We follow historical adventurers through undisturbed forests and fields. An unexpected experience is guaranteed! If you are brave enough and have a flashlight you can climb into the cave and look around the rooms where these historical outlaw guys were hiding!
The meeting point is the Helka Beer Garden in Balatonföldvár. We will start our journey with a panoramic point, from where you can see the Tihany Peninsula completely from the front. Afterward, we get on the asphalted, closed forest road and roll for a long time, then we turn to the terrain, we can see the Hungarian sea from another beautiful viewpoint. From here, however, you can see also its wider surroundings. Once again, a forest roll follows, and we arrive at our first outpost, where the memory of the Horseshoe brothers is preserved by two trees. We touch Nyim, we hide through a geographic tunnel formation, and we are already on our way to the hiding cave of the former outlaws. Soon after, we fill our empty bottles with the water of the Cinege spring, and in Zamárdi we return to Balatonfördvár to Helka, where the first beer awaits us at half price.

Pilis, Visegrád Hill level two. From Pilisszentkereszt, we ride on a mixture of asphalt and unpaved roads for one of the most beautiful panoramic peaks in the area, the Prédikálószék, but in order to enjoy the climb, we first roll down to Dömös. Here we start our 9 km continuous ascent, during which we defeat more than 500 m to the top. Here we can enjoy the fantastic outlook of the River Danube.

We pass through Csobánka and climb up to the Lajos spring. We will taste the cool refreshing water, descend and cross the creek to begin our ascent to the Prédikálószék (Preacher’s Chair), from where there is a unique view of a sharp bend in the Danube. We arrive at our starting point via Pilisszentkereszt.

We are passing through the Buda Hills and leave it on the west. We are visiting the ruined church in Zsámbék, and a little higher we will relax on one of the most beautiful terraces in Pest County, in the Matyi Culture Bistro, where we will taste the Matyi flavors while admiring the church and the Buda Hills. The price includes a burger and a drink.

In the southern forests of the Buda Hills,  first, we visit the Ilona hut, relax there for a short time and enjoy the view from there. Then we continue on to Meszes Hill, where we have a full panorama from a bit higher than the Ilona hut: we can see the Buda Hills, the Pilis and the Zsámbék Basin surrounding us. It is a perfect choice for those who want easily accessible but still hidden, not so popular viewpoints.


Barangolás a Hármashatár-hegyen. Bár a túra rövid, annál több a szintemelkedés rövid technikás szakaszokkal tarkítva. Az útvonal igényeitek szerint változik, de biztosan érintjük a Hármashatár-hegy tetejét, amelynek két oldaláról a Budapest két arcát láthatjuk. Kiváló lehetőség azoknak, akik először csak rövidebb távon tennék magukat próbára nehezebb terepen.

An overview of the area around Budapest following popular attractions. In Pilisborosjenő we visit the Camel Rock and the model of the Eger Castle. In Pilisszántó we visit the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin, where the Star Trail leads. We roll back between the lakes of Pilisvörösvár. Optional stop in Pilisvörösvár at the Rotburger pizzeria and brewery. Ask for details!



Ha nincs hó, nincs síelő, így egész közelről is szemügyre vehetjük a dobogókői sípályát. Természetesen fölfelé! A túra a Pilis technikásabb, izgalmasabb, patakokkal is tűzdelt részein vezet. Útközben szinte eggyé válhatunk a természettel, szívünk a Rám-hegy közelében együtt dobbanhat a Földével.
Ha egy kihívásokat tartalmazó bringanatura élményre vágysz, itt a helyed a pályán!

Buda Hills from several points of view. First, we look at nature from a built environment, later we can look at the landscape and the surrounding settlements from several points. Along the way, we can have a picnic from the snacks that we bring with us with a wonderful panorama.



A miénk a pálya nagy testvére, még több izgalommal és technikás szakasszal. A csodás panorámákon és a sípályán kívül azt is megnézzük, mi a lom van a hegyen és pattinthatunk egy kis extra energiát a Föld szívcsakrájából.